What is Freenom?
Freenom is a domain registrar that provides unlimited free domains with TLDs of .tk
, .ml
, .ga
, .cf
, or .gq
that last for up to a year at a time. Don't worry though you can also renew them for free!
I personally tend to use them for smaller, public-facing services I run and for generating "temporary" domains that I can use for a proof-of-concept or testing.
Register a Domain
- ⚠️ It should be noted that Freenom does not have a clean past and that your free domain name can be removed at any given time. Open for more details.
Register a Domain on Freenom
- Navigate to https://freenom.com
- Create an account if you don't have one yet
- Go back to the homepage and choose a domain name
- Click "Get it now!" and then checkout
- If you're planning on keeping this domain for longer term, be sure to change the period accordingly
- Check the terms and conditions and complete your order
- Profit! 🎉
Add the Domain to Cloudflare
Even though we now have a free domain we will move our default nameservers over to Cloudflare to have better control over our domain and have more features such as a nicer user interface, CDN, DDoS mitigation, etc.
- Go to https://cloudflare.com
- Create an account if you don't have one yet
- Click "Add a site" in the account dashboard and type in your domain
- Select and confirm the free plan